Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it ok for a guy to wear pink nail polish?


im not gay no im not

i wanna no if i ok if i painted my nail fulro pink i been paitning them clear for some time i wanna no what u think? i really want to do itIs it ok for a guy to wear pink nail polish?
What is fulro pink? Fluorescent?Is it ok for a guy to wear pink nail polish?
hells yeha, i dont see a reason why not. u dont even hav to be emo, thats just a new word everyone uses no adays, Im 17 and i think if he likes it then its ok. Other guys might call him fay but thats just because they are jealous because they are too afraid to dare to do that.

Pink is hot!
you sound gay. the next thing you know you're going to want to wear skinny jeans, and then you're going to wake up with bloody underwear. leave the nail polish alone.
Never do this....
we do see guys wearing pink shirt these days.. but.. for pink nails... hmm.. it may look odd... but well maybe u can start the ball rolling for such ';fashion';
In short, Yes.
No, it's not ok, maybe black if their emo.
!if you really want to do it, then dont worry about what others going to think! its your choice, so make yourself happy!!!
if you're emo, or such
why pink?? why not black???
I think it would be, but alot of people would have a problem with that. But if YOU want to do it, screw them.
If you wanna do it - do it!

However, if you're asking for approval before you've even painted them, I wonder if you're the type of personality who will be easily upset when people pick on you....which they might.
You would get some very unique looks from people on the street.HAHAH unless you were at an all pink or fluero themed party.
if this is your way to express your self then do it
no man , pink is for girls
yea some guys paint there nails but usually black.
Is it ok for me to wear guys boxers to bed? YES

So paint your nails pink and don't give two hoots about what everyone else thinks.
EWw no. DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
why not?

I think that if painting your nails fulro pink makes you feel good about yourself, then why not. Who cares what other people may assume? I say go for it ;).


Why (as a male that is not gay) would you paint them even clear?

If you wear pink nailpolish, you'll appear gay. If you are gay, great fine go for it. If your not, then I wouldnt do it.
u definitely sound gay or ure a freak but don't do it leave painting the nails for the girls
hmmm, go for it...I bet you get all the ladies
Hell yeah u should do it. U should do watevver u want to. Don't giv a crap about wat ppl think coz if they put u down for something as trivial as personal style then they hav issues. Who made the rule that pink is a girls colour any way I mean come on, that is primary school crap. Colour is colour and it all looks great on everyone!
Well i don't think its normal.. but hey if that is what you want to do.. then be you
Is it ok? Of course. Would I sleep with a guy who painted his nails any color (even clear)? Absolutely not!
I hate guys who paint their it any colour....shade....tint....transperent..鈥?ever....
well,I mean...idk why you would want them to be pink.I don't have ANY problems with guys painting their nails,but,pink?WHY??!!but it's your body,and if that satisfies you,then that's cool! :)

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